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March 29th, 2021
Real Faith Conversation #8

This week’s podcast episode wraps up the final message in our series with a message by Pastor Tim Gibb entitled “Continuing in the Faith.” Our panelists discuss deception in the Church, following the right spiritual leaders and the importance of being people who esteem the Bible over the popular message of Christian culture.  

Sermon Recap: Continuing in the Faith
Directives to avoid deception:
1. Make sure you are following the right Spiritual Leaders
2. Continue in God’s Word

Key Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:1-17


What truth from this series do you need to start living?  

March 22nd, 2021
Real Faith Conversation #7

If you have not seen this week’s message, visit our media page to watch an incredible testimony from Marilyn Smith. The experience that Marilyn went through was a true crisis and she saw God’s miraculous power step in to save her life. Marilyn’s story and scriptures from the book of James framed our conversation on real faith in times of crisis. 

Sermon Recap: Real Faith in Times of Crisis
How should we respond in times of crisis?
1. Rejoice in the problem
2. Ask God for wisdom
3. Let go and trust God
4. Remember God’s promise

Key Scriptures: James 1:2-4


If you are in a time of crisis, please reach out to someone. We are here at Bethel to walk with you through the difficult seasons of life. 

March 15th, 2021
Real Faith Conversation #6

This week we are talking about developing a Biblical worldview. We each see our world through our own set of beliefs, which determines our choices and actions. It’s important as followers of Christ that we are allowing the truth of God’s Word to set our outlook. 

Sermon Recap: Developing a Biblical Worldview
1. Be a lover and pursuer of truth.
2. Learn to discern what is false.
3. Don’t conform but be transformed. 
4. Make God’s kingdom your primary concern. 

Key Scriptures: Romans 12:2; Luke 12:31

Responsive Questions:

1. Does your life align with a Biblical worldview?

2. What truth do you need to seek and cling to so your beliefs and actions align with God’s Word?

March 8th, 2021
Real Faith Conversation #5

This week’s discussion is all about faith and our mental health. We all struggle with our mental health at different times in our life; that’s why it’s so important to normalize these conversations and reach out to others when we need support. 

Sermon Recap: Real Faith & Mental Health
When the prophet Elijah was struggling with his mental health:
1. God first took care of Elijah’s physical needs
2. God confronted Elijah (for the purpose of helping him)
3. God spoke in a still, small voice
4. God brought Elijah back to serving other

Key Scriptures: James 5:17

Responsive Questions:

1. How are you (truly, honestly) feeling in this season?

2. Are there practical things you can do to help yourself?

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March 1st, 2021
Real Faith Conversation #4

The term “cancel culture” became a buzz word in 2020. While the term is new to us, the Bible addresses how we treat people in this cancel culture. Our conversation today addresses what is happening in society with discrimination and cancelling people.

Sermon Recap: Real Faith and Cancel Culture
Problems with cancel culture:
1. Cancel culture is rash.
2. Cancel culture is spiteful.
3. Cancel culture is judgmental.
4. Cancel culture is unforgiving

Responsive Questions:
1. What does it look like to stand for truth and live with love and compassion?

2. Are there are areas where judgment has taken root in your heart?

3. Is there someone that has fallen that you can pray for or walk with?

February 23rd, 2021
Real Faith Conversation #3

In this week’s real conversation we discuss the subject of partiality in our lives. Scripture teaches us that God shows no favouritism, but that’s a lesson we need to learn as people of faith. 

Sermon Recap: Real Faith Shows No Partiality
God hates prejudice/discrimination/partiality because:
1. Every life is precious and made in the image of God
2. Prejudice is a sign of ignorance
3. Prejudice disobeys the greatest commandment
4. Prejudice is a serious sin

Key Scriptures: James 2:1-9

Responsive Questions:
1. Is there any partiality or prejudice in me?

2. Do I see people through God’s eyes?

3. How do I define my primary identity? 

February 15th, 2021
Real Faith Conversation #2

Today’s conversation is all about Pastor Tim’s practical message on loving our neighbour. We hope that once you listen to this conversation, you’ll reach out to a friend or family member and talk through the questions below.

Sermon Recap: Real Faith Loves My Neighbour
1. Learn to engage with people individually
2. Be an encourager
3. Look for ways to share God’s love by serving
4. Invite people to Church
5. Share the Gospel

Key Scriptures: James 2:8; Mark 12:28-31; 1 John 4:7-12, 20-21

Responsive Questions:
1. Do I consistently choose to love my neighbour and is that love seen in my actions?

2. Am I looking for ways to encourage others, to serve others and to share the Gospel with them? If not, how can I begin?

3. Is there someone today that the Holy Spirit is putting on your heart to reach out to?

February 8th, 2021
Real Faith Conversation #1

Welcome to a discussion about the first message in our sermon series “Real Faith in a Real World.” We hope that once you listen to this conversation, you’ll reach out to a friend or family member and talk through the questions below.

Sermon Recap: Fake Faith vs. Real Faith
Real faith is… more than just the words that I say.
Real faith is… more than just an emotion I feel.
Real faith is… more than just an idea I debate.
Real faith is… more than just a truth I believe.

Key Scriptures: James 2:14-26

Responsive Questions:
1. What category would you honestly put your faith into: fake faith or real faith?

2. Out of these 4 points, is there one that stands out to you that is not accurate of your life?

3. Obedience to the Word of God demonstrates real faith. Is there something that God (the Bible) is asking of you, that you need to be obedient to?